September 18, 2014

Thinking about taking break

Before I recap my yesterday "events", I wanted to post this picture of my morning visitor. I was startled when I opened my front door to find Mr. Toad hanging out on my glass storm door. I opened the glass door and closed it behind me. He didn't move an inch, so I wished him a nice day and left for work.

Yesterday was day 2 of my exercise "re-start". I was able to squeeze in 20 minutes on the elliptical trainer during my lunch hour, A coworker and I planned on going on a 2 mile walk later that afternoon but at the last minute she said she couldn't get out of her office to go. I was actually glad because the back of my knee was midly sore anyway.

After work I went to Walmart to pick up a graph paper notebook for my son. While I was there, I decided to pick up a few healthy food items and $120 later I was hating that I even went into the place. I really need to stick to a handwritten list of items before going shopping because everytime I go without one I end up spending way more then needed. Crazy how much food costs!

When I was waiting in line at the checkout I was browsing Facebook and was thinking to myself that I should just deactivate my account for awhile. Sorry but some of the things that people post are just stupid & ridiculous and after awhile it just gets to be draining. At times, I feel like I am constantly checking the newsfeed. It reminds me of a cigarette smoking habit that is so hard to quit.  I am not saying that all people post nonsense but I have noticed that when I do take a break away from Facebook I feel so much better. Sounds funny but it's nice and refreshing. 

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