February 4, 2015

Calf Cramping

So I have been trying to ease back into running without aggravating the muscles or whatever it is behind my knee that seems to insist on keeping me sidelined. Well, now I seem to have this other problem with my right calf cramping after about 15-20 minutes into my run. Whenever this happened in the past I would just stretch it out a bit or just slow down my pace and I would be fine, but lately it has been so bad to the point that I have to completely stop running. It hurts to even walk for several days! This happened last week & the pain went away after 4 days of not running so I decided this morning to go to the gym to try and run.  Everything was going great until I got a little past a mile and I could feel it tightening up so I slowed the pace down but it didn't help. The tightness got stronger to the point of sharp pain so I had to quit and go home. I went home, showered and put on a compression sleeve before heading into the office. I am wearing the compression sleeve on my right calf but it isn't helping at all. I am so annoyed because I NEED to get my training in before this race in April. If it was a regular race instead of a relay I wouldn't be stressing so badly, but I am part of a relay team so I can't just leave my teammates high and dry. Ugh this really really sucks !!!

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