July 8, 2014

Still here ...

It has been nearly a week since I last posted. I guess I have not been in the writing mood. Here is a brief recap of my week.
Wednesday I had the brilliant idea to go on an easy 2 mile run outside. So far, any running that I have done since the Cherry Blossom 10 Miler (4/7/14)  has been inside on a treadmill. Oh my goodness! let me just say it SUCKED! I was hoping to at least maintain a 10 minute mile pace since I have been easily running a 9:30-10 min/mile pace on the treadmill. Boy was I wrong, hello reality check! The first mile was not too bad, but I tanked on the 2nd mile & had to walk a couple times. I ended up with an average pace of 10:45 for both miles which was somewhat disappointing especially since I was averaging 9:30-9:45 just a couple months ago. 

Thursday I took a break and after work I got a pedicure, did some grocery shopping & enjoyed an Orange Creamsicle Cupcake from a local bakery called Confections

On Friday (July 4th) I decided to get up early and ride the bike because I knew I would be enjoying some BBQ ribs and seafood at our cousins house later that evening to celebrate the 4th of July.
I was able to ride 12 miles and burn 570 calories. Not a lot but enough for me to not feel guilty after chowing down on some good food. Especially since I went a bit overboard (calorie wise) the prior day. We spent the evening drinking & watching the fireworks. 

My daughter found this fruit kabob idea on Pinterest & so I made my own flag fruit kabob to bring to the BBQ.

On Saturday we packed up the mountain bikes and went over to Burke Lake and rode the trails around the lake. Little "J" had a great time & I heard zero complaints about hills. Thank goodness for a geared bike !

Sunday I did a nice long 20 mile ride & it felt great. Funny because I didn't think I got that much sun but later that evening I looked in the mirror and both my arms were so red. Whenever I leave the house to go on a ride I have full intentions of appying sunscreen but I always forget to do it. I really need to remember to wear the sunscreen. I think I might have to put a post it note on my bike or in my helmet.

Yesterday I took a rest day, but I plan to head out after work today. Hopefully the weather will cooperate. 

After typing this entire post & reading it, I realized how incredibly BORING this is!! LOL - oh well that was my condensed version of my weekly recap. Hopefully I will have something more interesting to write about next time.

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