August 21, 2014

Richmond Half Marathon... Do I run it or do I defer??

This weekend coming up will mark 12 weeks until race day November 15th, 2014. I have been going back and forth on this. Do I want to run or defer until 2015?

My heart says I want to run it but my mind is saying do not risk it. I have until October to defer my registration. I am thinking that maybe I should just give it a try and start training for it & see how it goes. If I'm still having problems with the back of my knee by the deferment deadline then I'll go ahead and defer my registration until 2015.

So I have created my own personal 12 week training schedule.  I've decided to stick to only 3 days of running alternating my non run days with cycling. I am increasing the milage nice and slowly hopefully to avoid any injuries. Monday will be my official start to training beginning with a 2 mile run.

Hopefully this plan works out because I have always wanted to run Richmond. I hear it's a great race.

1 comment:

  1. I think you are on the right track...push for it, but not over training and realistically approaching it!
