I apologize for going MIA for sooooo long. I guess life got in the way as some would say. Yeah that isn't exactly why, but it sounds like a good excuse. The reality is, I just got tired of writing and there is a limit on how many times I you can write about a bike ride. So let me give you a brief timeline update of what's been happening in my world since my last post.
For Halloween, my crafty hubby made this awesome cardboard mailbox costume for my son. It was too cute and I couldn't just toss it out. I noticed that it was a perfect fit over the trash basket in his room. So now it is disguised as a mailbox trashcan.
The month of November went by so fast it seemed. That was the month that started my exercise & diet "vacation". For the month I ran one time with a grand total of 1.12 miles. It was quite a pathetic run that involved a lot more walking than running. I think after that run I gave up and said "F*ck it".

We had our running clubs 2nd birthday at the local running store. Our group has grown so much over the past 2 years & it was nice to see everyone in non-running clothes.
Thanksgiving was a nice time spent with family. My brother and his girlfriend drove up from Florida & we talked about staying at their place over Christmas. The plan was to surprise the kids with a visit to Orlando for Christmas.
I did pretty much ALL of my Christmas shopping online which was so nice. Amazon was my best friend and I think I will have to do that again next year.
On Saturday the 20th, we set out for our long drive to Orlando. Luckily we were able to stop and spend the night with my parents in Charleston, SC. They head south every year in their RV for the winter and just so happen to be staying in SC which made for the perfect "pit stop" for us. Thank goodness their RV is nice and big.
January 2015
Another New Year has come & time to make some new resolutions GOALS!! I quit calling them resolutions because I cannot seem to "resolve" to get rid of this spare tire each year. So I am calling it a goal. I know that sounds silly. I guess it's something about the word resolution, it just doesn't work for me.
I re-started Couch to 5K and am on week 2. So far it has been ok. My knee is still giving me issues so instead of running every other day I have been running every 2 days, I'm hoping by starting out slow & as the milage increases each week it doesn't get any worse. I cannot have this knee issue screw up my race in April. I am on a relay team and we are running the North Face Endurance Challenge Marathon. I am really more annoyed with my pace. I know I shouldn't be worried about pace but it really sucks to see especially knowing where it once was. It's going to take some time to get back to where I was so I am just taking it one day at a time.
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