On Saturday evening I was supposed to meet up with some running club friends at Panera bread for a mini farewell get together for our friend "M" who is moving later this month to Texas. I was unable to attend because hubby was doing paintball with his work buddies so I decided to treat "M" to brunch at a little french restaurant the following day. We agreed to get there when they first started brunch just in case it got crowded. We met up at 11:30.
front door - image is "backwards" I took it using my sideview mirror as I was leaving |
The restaurant is a bit small but has a nice cozy feel to it. The tables are draped with white linens & topped with freshly cut roses. I noticed a chicken/rooster theme through out the dining area. Our table had a cute little glass chicken on it. I noticed other customers were dressed nicely. Thank goodness I was not wearing jeans. I do not think it is a requirement but I would definitely feel out of place.
Our waitress was very nice & provided us with a basket of warmed up crossiants. Holy cow they were good!
Who doesn't like crossiants!
We looked at the menu while enjoying our crossiants. M decided to order the omlet of the day which was prepared with goat cheese & spinach and served with potatoes.
I ordered the grilled hanger steak & eggs served with potatoes

We both cleaned our plates so there is no need to review how it tasted. Our waitress offered us dessert & we passed on it but then she made the mistake of offering a cappuiccino. Since I have zero will power when it comes to just about any coffee product, I ordered one. So yummy !!
This guy greets you at the front door & as we were leaving I had to get a picture of us. We decided to go check out the Occoquan craft show. It happens to be right down the street from the restaurant & we figured why not try and walk off some of these calories.
Twice a year, the small town of Occoquan hosts a craft show in the Spring and Fall. Vendors set up tents throughout the streets in the historic town to sell various types of goods.
We walked up and down some streets checking out all the tents. It was HOT and very humid.
"Personalized" cut out picture frame mats- great for gift giving |
Cute little plant stand with a removable solar light. Perfect for a porch or walkway.
This tent had some very funky colorful bags.
We made our last stop at Mom's Apple Pie Shop. I was looking to see if they had any sweet potato butter but they did not have any.
I will leave you with this final picture of my furry girl who happens to be modeling her new Dallas Cowboys dog collar that I bought at the craft show.
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