September 21, 2016

A race with my daughter

When I began the C25K program, I convinced my daughter (who happened to be at home from college for the summer) to come with me to the track to run. After going with me for a couple weeks something must have sparked inside her and she started to enjoy running. Unfortunately she wasn't able to participate with us at the Arlington 911 5K because she had to  go back and get ready for school so we signed up for the Clarendon Days 5k the following weekend.

While she was home, we ran during the week & on Saturday's and we biked together on the other days. She was never really "into" exercise especially running or cycling. I am so glad she stayed home over the summer and we were able to workout together.

The Clarendon 5K would be her first official running race. We got up nice and early on race morning and picked up our other running friend I'll refer to as A.

We really lucked out because we found a parking spot less than a block away from the start line. The only downside to this race was that the finish line was about 1.5 miles from the start line which meant you had a nice little walk up hill to get back to your car if you parked where we did. From what I read, they used to pass out metro rail cards at the finish line which allowed you to ride the metro rail back to the start but due to changes with metro's paper card policy they weren't handing them out like they did in years past. We didn't mind the walk, 1.5 miles more no big deal.

We took a couple pre-race selfies and a shoe shot.

After this shoe picture we got ready to run. We all run different paces so we were on our own once the gun went off. The race is primarily down hill so it's an easy race to PR (personal record). I knew there was no way on earth I'd PR so I just enjoyed the run. My daughter took off and I only saw her 1 time when she was coming back from the turn around point. I crossed the finish & saw where she was waiting for me. She finished in under 30 minutes with a pace of 9:26. She definitely set the bar high. She had so much fun and I am so happy & proud of her.

stop and take a jump picture ~this is what happens when you have to walk1.5 miles uphill to get to your car

I've already signed us up for another 5K race at her college campus in early October and I have written up a training schedule through the beginning of December in hopes of running a half marathon before the year is over.  Let's cross our fingers that I have no issues with Plantar Fasciitis or any other annoying running injuries. I need to continue this progress since I seem to have found my motivation and I am starting to lose some unwanted weight.
Until next time...

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