August 11, 2014

Why did I step on it?

I made the horrible mistake of stepping on the scale yesterday after my 12 mile bike ride. I sound like a broken record player (really showing my age now) but it looks like my vacation from counting calories & eating healthy food must sadly come to end. Time to get back to being good- ugh! I hate being good with food. It's so much more fun to be bad and eat whatever I want. I wish I could take Charlene's approach but that wouldn't help get the pounds off either.

In other more exciting news... I am still riding my bike. I decided to go explore some new places so yesterday I rode 12 miles & headed over to the Possom Point Power Plant. I picked this location because the road that leads to it has very little traffic and it's somewhat scenic & shady. The only scary part is that there is no shoulder to ride on, but since there is little to no traffic I wasn't as worried.  

Notice the gas pipes next to the guard rail. I am curious if they are still being used.

Once you pass this area you come to the front of the power plant where there is a gate and a guard station. I wanted to stop to take a picture of the whole plant but I didn't want them to think I am some weirdo so I turned around and stopped here to take a picture. There were a lot of birds flying between the power lines.

Pretty scenes along the river

I ended my ride with a lovely flat tire on the back wheel about 1.5 miles from my house. Thankfully I had a spare tube. I ended up wasting 20 minutes changing it & trying to pump it up with the hand pump. What a way to end my lovely bike ride. 

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