I last rode my bike on Thursday the 10th. I did a 14.5 mile ride & right after I got to my van to put my bike away, I noticed some of the ladies in my running club were there getting ready to do a 3 mile run. I planned on going home but I caved (peer pressure & the combination of running envy) and decided to try and run with them. I should have went home after the ride because less then 2 minutes into the run my calves were really cramping. I pushed through it and finished the run slow as a turtle.
Well later that evening my father-in-law passsed away suddenly. We had to not only plan a funeral but also relay this sad news to our little guy.
Friday we had to meet with the funeral home and cemetery to plan & schedule a date. We got home really late on Friday evening, so we waited & gave him the news on Saturday morning. I think watching him cry & sob was the hardest part. I remember the first funeral I ever attended was when I was in my early 30's & it hit me pretty hard. I cannot imagine how a child takes it in.
We laid him to rest on Sunday. Little guy seems to be doing ok. I think, once he saw his Grandpa's casket getting lowered he realized it was over. Luckily he goes to a private church school and they learn a lot about God & the bible. I am sure that in itself has really helped him to greive. I asked him on Sunday while we were outside at the cemetery if he was "ok" & he said "Mom, it's just a body that is in there but I already know that his soul is in heaven".
I have not been to church in many months. I have never been an overly religious type of person but I do believe in God & that he will always be there to comfort us. I have to remember this verse in the book of John that I found.
John 16: 22 "So with you: Now is your time of grief, but I will see you again and you will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy.
Now it's time for me to get back to normalcy because remember life does go on. I know one day I will be reunited with those who have passed including my furry friends that have crossed the rainbow bridge.
Hugs to you!!!!!!!