June 17, 2011

Baltimore street scenes

After 2 weekend visits to Baltimore & between my time devoted to the gym, I finally made time to sort through some of my pictures that I took. Baltimore is an interesting place, the harbor & Fells Point are nice with lots of restaurants, shops & touristy things, but as soon as you go a couple blocks in the other direction, you will notice a stark contrast. No more nice restaurants, shops etc.. just decayed old buildings, worn out billboard signs, homeless people,graffiti & right in the heart of it all is one our nations top rated hospitals, John Hopkins. Reminds me of the time a few years ago when I was in San Diego & crossed the border to Tijuana. I wonder if this is why they call it "Charm City"... hmmm, makes you wonder?
Well here are some of the scenes that I was able to catch.
Until next time.............:D

June 8, 2011

A day spent in Baltimore

Last weekend I spent a day in Baltimore with my sister n law and nephew. We had a nice time walking around Fells Point, visiting Fort McHenry & touring Baltimore Harbor. We did not have time to go on the Pirate Cruise but I told my nephew that I would take him next time they are in Baltimore. 
This was not just an ordinary visit/get together, although I wish it was.
You see, my nephew who is a super kid, with a great personality & happens to be very smart has a rare type of bone cancer & he was getting ready for his 2nd brain surgery. He had his surgery on Monday & is currently recovering. He still has a lifelong road of doctor visits & future radiation treatments. 
Cancer is the devil & I hope that one day research will find a cure for it. 
I used to think like "oh how I hate Monday's" but you quickly learn that everyday is a gift from God that should be cherished, enjoyed & appreciated. 
Until next time...........:D

June 7, 2011

Hello I am still around

Hello Blog !!
Yes, I am still around despite the fact that I have neglected to post anything recently. I have been really on this workout kick for little over a month. I have lost 10 lbs so far (YIPPEE) & have managed to stick to a healthy eating plan & have been exercising 6 days a week. I feel great & have a lot more energy. I still have a long way to go, but I will chip away at it day by day.

My photography passion has sort of taken a back seat to working out, but you can guarantee that I will always find time to fuel my favorite pastime :) 

Here are some pictures that I took while looking at some flowers in my parents back yard. I really liked the look of her homemade bird nest. It is a Gord that she dried out and painted a long time ago. Since some of the paint has worn off in some places, it now resembles the earth. Ok, some of you may not agree. I guess each person has their own view & perspective toward ordinary or not so ordinary objects. Maybe this is why I have always loved photography. Until next time...................:D